How elon musk make money | elon musk wealth story

Elon musk wealth story in hindi

Have you ever wondered how the world’s richest person mr Elon musk become so rich !!

hello everyone in today’s blog post we will going to discuss about how did Elon Musk make his wealth

Who is Elon Musk

Name elon musk is known around the world not only because he is the richest person on the planet but also as a super successful entrepreneur who has found a number of extremely profitable companies.

he has strong foothold in relatively 3 unrelated discipline

1. Space Technology

2. Electric Automobile

3. Solar Energy

He is the founder CEO and chief engineer of spaceX Angel investor CEO and product architect of Tesla ink. founder of the boring company and co-founder of neuralink and openAI

Elon musk’s networth

As of 17th October Elon Musk was worth of 220 billion dollar

The figure frequently changes because Mr. Elons wealth is mostly tied to his tesla stake which goes up and down depending on the market

To put his wealth into perspective elon musk is worth more than the GDP of 130 countries and territories according to the latest World Bank data this includes entire GDP’s of countries like Portugal New Zealand and Iran. Mr elons wealth equals just under 10% of the uk’s enter GDP

currently Mr. musk is the richest and wealthiest person on the earth behind musk is the founder of Amazon jeff bezos.

With an estimated networth of 150 billion dollar

How Elon Musk make money

Ho elon Elon Musk get rich

If you want to become a billionaire and you didn’t happened to be born in the Saudi royal family there are few ways to get job done you

could come up with the one seriously good idea like a new computer operating system or a social network and then build it into a giagentic company or you could take the Warner buffet route

making decades long series of shrwed low risk investment and than watch the wealth slowly trickle in and than their what Elon Musk did

Unlike most other billionaire Elon Musk made the bulk of his wealth through several successful business ventures rather with one big success.

After selling zip2 he went into online banking payments with controversial businessman Peter thiel setting up what would eventually become PayPal.

His stake in the business nated him 180 million dollar when it was bought by eBay in 2009 as well as being involved in paypal musk was looking into the stars founding spaceX in 2002 with express ambition of colonizing Mars using affordable rockets.

A year later he pludged 6 million dollar into Tesla despite the company having not produced a real car.

both firms struggle initially but spaceX took of in 2008 after penning a 1.6 billion dollar deal with the NASA and tesla’s first vehicle model S went into mass production in 2012

SpaceX is now a key partner in NASA’s mission.

Now you can see Tesla cars on the streets across the world as possible have become more environmently conscious.

The latter’s share price has pushed Elon Musk net worth into the stretosphere.

In 2021 the car company tripled in value to more than one trillion dollar all though it is now worth around 690 billion dollar.

He Held between 17% to 21% of the companies shares before he launched his Twitter buyout.

His stake currently valued in the region of 150 billion dollar however he has sold roughly 8.2 billion of his Tesla stake to fund his buy out of the platform.

Meanwhile Mr musk’s 78% stake in hundred billion firm spaceX makes up most of the rest of his fortune.

Elon Musk has also set out with 2 other business ventures in the last 5 years

boring company – the boring company is a firm that dig big holes in the ground while neuralink is aiming to develop telepathic Links to machines. An innovation which could transform the leaves of people who have neurological disorder or severe injuries

Vast ast majority of Elon Musk network is on the form of paper assets like shares and options.

He Owns 17% to 21% of Tesla shares, 50 to 60 billion dollar in Tesla options.

He is also owns 50% in space x and full ownership in Twitter.

Musk does not own in the form of real estate and cash so basically elon musk is richest person on the planet because of his companies valuation.

His companies valuation makes him rich.

If his companies valuation goes up then Mr elons wealth also goes up but if the valuation of the companies decreases then the wealth of elon musk will also decrease.

Que. How did Elon Musk get so rich

Ans. Elon Musk’s shares in Tesla and SpaceX primarily made him wealthy. as of year 2023, Elon Musk owns about 15 percent of Tesla shares and options

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