Art of Stock Investing Free Book Pdf (Indian Stock Market)

  • Book Name: Art of Stock Investing
  • Exchange
  • Size: 938 KB
  • Category: Stock market
  • Total pages: 43
  • Language: English
  • Quality: Very Good
  • Format: PDF, Online read
  • Presented by: Manikandan Ramalingam
  • Credit: bse2nse

Summary of the Book

  • IPO Listing Gains is the best place for anyone to start off in Indian Stock Market. Always use it to milk it.
  • Debt is a killer. Avoid companies with debt. Don’t even think about it.
  • Brand recognition is invaluable. Quality products are even more invaluable.
  • Lesser the competition, better it is. It ensures future growth prospects.
  • Growth Consistency in the past is a reflection of how good a company has done well through good and bad times.
  • Diversify your investments in 5-10 stocks.
  • 50 day & 200 day EMA levels good and fair levels to buy Good companies.
  • P/E of an Index (Nifty) is a good indicator of greed. Exit Equity Markets when Nifty P/E crosses
  • Such opportunities come once in 5 years. Don’t miss it.
  • Gold is a good alternative when greed inflates Equity Markets.
  • Understand what Big and Small Bull waves are
  • Have a good portion of index ETF in your portfolio. If your stock portfolio cant beat index returns – you are better off having major portion of your investment into index ETFs
  • It might be a good idea to invest in good quality companies during Market crash and
    accumulate index ETFs otherwise
  • If you think you made a wrong pick in a company – you can exit and reinvest that into index ETF and you can resume buying the company later if you feel confident again (during a market crash or when you feel the time is right)

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Art of Stock Investing

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